Women Crush Wednesday – Lua Suicide

By April 13, 2016 April 16th, 2016 Art, Woman Crush Wednesday

If you don’t know who the Suicide Girls are you’ve probably been living under a rock. There are so many girls involved in this brand, some officially and some as hopefuls. We all have our favorites, but I love the girls who aren’t just models but are creating art and experimenting with their photos and style. This week I drew Lua Suicide. She’s a prolific Cosplayer, and is known for her superior Cosplay as much as her erotic modeling. So much talent coming from this girl! Here’s my rendition of her. I just to draw her without any costumes, so we could appreciate her lovely natural form. 

lua-suicideYou can find her at….

Suicide Girls: www.suicidegirls.com/girls/lua

Instagram: www.instagram.com/luasuicide

Facebook: www.facebook.com/luacosplays

Twitter: twitter.com/luasuicide

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